Case Studies

Case Study 0
In a recent case utilising existing digital forensic software, images were identified as Indecent Images of Children (IIOC). The forensic software enabled the extraction and analysis of metadata from the images, however, vital information such as creation dates, geolocation data, and device information, were not contained within the files. This meant crucial context and evidence linking the images to specific activities and individuals was missing. The files were identified in the path: “C:\Users\{USER_ACCOUNT}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.ZuneMusic_#########\LocalCache\Image” This location is associated with the Microsoft Groove Music app, which was previously known as Zune Music. This directory is part of the app's local cache and is used to store various image files related to the app's functionality. ... Read More
Case Study 1
The increased use of cryptocurrencies amongst private users and some businesses has opened another investigation problem for digital forensic practitioners. VFC has been used successfully by end users to:

Using VFC I was able to virtualise a workstation with cryptocurrency data. This had not been decoded by the forensic tools. Using the virtualised program I was able to open the application and access the stored transaction history. This was then exported to CSV via the software and reviewed on my forensic system. ... Read More
Case Study 2
A customer was faced with a tedious task of having to test the vulnerability and structure of an OS on  a suspects laptop.  With the help of VFC, our customer was able to successfully test and assess the vulnerability with 'amazing results'!

On top of that, they were also able to create a standalone VM and take it to court to show everyone first hand what they found.  ... Read More
Case Study 3
Virtual machines are an amazing resource to have when portraying evidence to a different team, department, or in court. 

VFC has been used successfully by end users in investigations (for eg. Missing Persons; child exploitation; Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking; People smuggling; Cybersecurity; counterterrorism) ... Read More
Case Study 4
BRAVE BROWSER Brave browser software was installed on the PC. Brave is an open-source web browser based on the Chromium web browser. Brave is a privacy-focused browser, which automatically blocks some advertisements and website trackers in its default settings. ... Read More
Case Study 5
Autofill browser information

The autofill section of a browser can be the source of crucial information. however, if you want to view this information you would require the local user account password. 

With VFC powerful GPR (generic password reset) tool, you can reset the local user account password within the VM, which in turn allows you to use this password to easily view that saved autofill information in seconds.  ... Read More