
Welcome to the Virtual Forensic Computing (VFC) Training Course
MD5 is excited to announce that our VFC training course is now live! We will be working alongside Digital Shields, one of our esteemed resellers, to deliver this comprehensive training. ... Read More
VFC v7 Enhances and Improves Digital Investigations!
In a recent case utilising existing digital forensic software, images were identified as Indecent Images of Children (IIOC). The forensic software enabled the extraction and analysis of metadata from the images, however, vital information such as creation dates, geolocation data, and device information, were not contained within the files. This meant crucial context and evidence linking the images to specific activities and individuals was missing. The files were identified in the path: β€œC:\Users\{USER_ACCOUNT}\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.ZuneMusic_#########\LocalCache\Image” This location is associated with the Microsoft Groove Music app, which was previously known as Zune Music. This directory is part of the app's local cache and is used to store various image files related to the app's functionality. ... Read More
MD5 Ltd Sponsored Football Team
What a fantastic achievement for MD5's sponsored football team! I am so pleased to see how far these boys have come, and I am incredibly happy to sponsor them. Their hard work, dedication, and passion for the game have truly paid off, and it's an honour to be part of their journey. Here's to many more victories and continued success in the future! ... Read More
VFC Customer Story
File Injection.... ... Read More
ISO 27001 Accreditation
Our ISO 27001 certification for MD5 Digital Forensics has been successfully renewed for another 12 months. A big thank you to our dedicated team for their hard work and commitment to maintaining the highest standards in eDisclosure and digital forensics. Onward and upward! ... Read More
🌟 Another month, another achievement! 🌟
Excited to announce that MD5 has once again secured our Cyber Essentials certification Plus for our eDisclosure services. A big thank you to our dedicated team for their hard work and commitment to maintaining the highest standards in eDisclosure and digital forensics. Onward and upward! ... Read More
Fantastic Feedback
βš–οΈ Last week we obtained a High Court injunction and "doorstep" delivery up and imaging order to preserve evidence of wrongdoing which was suspected to be on personal devices. Thanks to MD5 Ltd - evidence you can trust for their calm and last minute assistance with this. Along with others, we achieved a great result for the client. ... Read More
VFC End User Success Story
Another VFC success storyΒ  - Laptops are being shipped containing more & more protection including OS Lockdown.Β  In this case, it didn't matter as VFC portable was the perfect solution! ... Read More
We are in The Investigator Magazine!!
We are delighted to see our new version of VFC (Version 7) advert is now in the investigator magazine. Please click the link below to take a read ... Read More
Ex Employee successful conviction
It was good to see that the due diligence of our Actions, Policies and Procedures operated by MD5 ultimately led to the conviction of a former employee Iain Nash, for possessing, making, taking, and distributing indecent images of children. ... Read More